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Steve Nash, a Coaching Newcomer, Will Take Charge of the Nets
著者:Marc Stein
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — The Brooklyn Nets made a stunning move Thursday to fill their coaching vacancy by hiring Steve Nash, the Hall of Fame point guard and two-time NBA Most Valuable Player Award winner, despite Nash’s lack of coaching experience.
Nash, 46, will replace interim coach Jacque Vaughn who will stay on as an assistant. Nets officials, led by general manager Sean Marks, decided to take a splashy gamble on Nash instead of hiring Vaughn or someone else with more experience, believing that Nash is a coaching natural who will benefit greatly from his relationship with star forward Kevin Durant.
Vaughn had been the interim coach since Atkinson’s ouster on March 7, when the team was on course for a playoff berth. Despite missing most of the Nets’ frontline players, apart from Caris LeVert and Joe Harris, Vaughn coached the team to a 5-3 record in the eight seeding games during the NBA restart at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida.
The Nets were then swept in the first round of the playoffs by the Toronto Raptors, the reigning champions. Still, the Nets had already won plaudits for a victory over Milwaukee, which has the league’s best record, and for a one-point loss to Portland that nearly prevented the Trail Blazers from reaching the playoffs.
The Nets have maintained since March that Vaughn would be strongly considered for the permanent head coaching job. They were also widely expected to pursue Tyronn Lue, the Los Angeles Clippers’ in-demand assistant coach, among a number of other experienced candidates. Lue coached the Nets’ star guard Kyrie Irving to a championship with the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2016.
Yet Marks had quietly targeted Nash for some time, according to three people familiar with the search who were not authorized to discuss it publicly. Marks’ interest stemmed in part from Nash’s strong bond with Durant, which he built during Durant’s three seasons in Golden State while working as a part-time consultant for the Warriors in player development.
The immediate challenge for Nash will be establishing a similar rapport with Irving, who played in only 20 games of his injury-riddled debut season with the Nets. Durant missed the season as he recovered from tearing his right Achilles tendon during the NBA finals last year.ADD TO COLLECTIONDOWNLOAD
Editor Notes: (Web Summary: Nash, a two-time MVP as a player, is believed to have been chosen in part because of the rapport he has established with Kevin Durant.)
stunning びっくりする、驚くべき vacancy 欠員、空き
splashy 目立つ、派手な
ouster 追放、解任
berth (競技などへの) 出場権
sweep 圧勝する
the reigning champion 現在のチャンピオン
win plaudits for 称賛を得る、絶賛される
maintain 維持する
stem 始まる、起因する
rapport (一致・調和を特徴とした) 関係
riddle (望ましくないもので) 満たす
Achilles tendon アキレス腱
Wall Street Has Its Worst Day in Months
著者:Brooks Barnes
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
HENDERSON, Nev. — The Regal Sunset Station multiplex in suburban Las Vegas reopened Thursday night after sitting empty for five months in eerie pandemic-forced exile. One of the first people to take a center seat, popcorn and orange soda in hand, was Brian Truitt, who bought tickets to “The New Mutants,” a Marvel superhero movie, a week in advance.
“I figured it would be jammed, with pent-up demand to come to the movies again,” Truitt, 38, said as he sat back in his reclining seat and tugged at his face mask. He looked around the mostly empty auditorium, with capacity for 172, and shrugged in surprise. “I guess not.”
For the first time since March, big-budget movies are being released again in theaters. “The New Mutants” cost at least $70 million to make and market. Coming next week is Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet,” a hotly anticipated $200 million thriller. But the willingness of Americans to return to theaters — to sit inside a closed room with strangers for hours, regardless of the safety protocols — remains anything but certain. For Hollywood, which has come to rely on superheroes and star directors like Nolan as relatively sure bets, releasing these films is like stepping off a ledge without knowing where the ground lies.
If Thursday night at Regal Sunset Station was any indication, the drop could be considerable. By the time the lights dimmed for the 7 p.m. show and trailers started to play, the sound system jouncing everyone’s insides, only 28 people had turned up, including myself.
Maybe it was the movie. “The New Mutants,” a long-delayed “X-Men” thriller, has been beleaguered by bad buzz and was lightly marketed by Walt Disney Studios.
Theater executives have pointed to “Tenet” as the film that will send people cascading back into seats and restore a sense of normalcy to an industry that was essentially brought to a standstill by the pandemic. The economics for “Tenet” and other megamovies work only if lots of people leave their houses and buy tickets to see them in theaters.
Maybe it was the still-threatening coronavirus. Studio research has indicated that the majority of Americans are not ready to immediately return to theaters, even with theater companies promoting a wide array of safety procedures: capacity limited to 50%, enhanced air filtration, aggressive cleaning, masks required except when eating or drinking.
Or maybe moviegoing has changed forever.
S&P 500 Standard & Poor’s 株価指数
Tumble 倒れる、ころぶ、つまずく
Optimism 楽観(論)
Opening bell 取引開始に鳴らすベル
Sway ゆすぶる、振り動かす
by virtue of …の力で、…のせいで
Slump ドスンと落ちる、暴落する
Options trading オプション取引
Consumer-centric 消費者中心の
Fraught はらんで、伴って
Impairment 減損処理
When Learning Is Really Remote: Students Climb Trees and Travel Miles for a Cell Signal
著者:Richard C. Paddock and Dera Menra Sijabat
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
On school days, the three teenage students hop on a motorbike and ride to their personal study hall: a spot along a narrow road outside the Indonesian village of Kenalan where they can get a stable cellphone signal.
Sitting on the shoulder of the road, they do their lessons on smartphones and a single laptop as cars and motorbikes zip by. The three students — two sisters and their 15-year-old aunt — have been studying this way on the island of Java since March, when Indonesia closed its schools and universities to contain the coronavirus.
“When the school ordered us to study at home I was confused because we don’t have a signal at home,” said one of the girls, Siti Salma Putri Salsabila, 13.
The travails of these students, and others like them, have come to symbolize the hardships faced by millions of schoolchildren across the Indonesian archipelago. Officials have shuttered schools and implemented remote learning, but internet and cellphone service is limited and many students lack smartphones and computers.
In North Sumatra, students climb to the tops of tall trees a mile from their mountain village. Perched on branches high above the ground, they hope for a cell signal strong enough to complete their assignments.
Around the globe, including in some of the world’s wealthiest countries, educators are struggling with how to best make distance learning viable during the pandemic. But in poorer countries like Indonesia, the challenge is particularly difficult.
More than a third of Indonesian students have limited or no internet access, and experts fear many students will fall far behind, especially in remote areas where online study remains a novelty.
With the start of a new academic year in July, schools in virus-free zones were allowed to reopen, but these schools serve only a fraction of the nation’s students. As of August, communities in low-risk areas could decide whether to reopen schools, but few have done so.
The difficulties faced by rural students today will further contribute to inequality in Indonesia, the world’s fourth largest country, said Luhur Bima, a senior researcher with the Smeru Research Institute, a Jakarta-based public policy center.
“Even without the pandemic, there is a big gap between the rural and the urban,” he said.
signal 携帯の電波
zip by ひゅっと早く通り過ぎる
contain 封じ込める、抑える (ラテン語contenir: con =共に, tain =保つ)
travail 骨折り、苦労 (仏語:労働)
archipelago 群島(島がたくさん集まっている)
shutter (動) 休業する
implement 実行する、実施する
perch (人や鳥などを)高い所に座らせる(止まらせる)
assignment 宿題
viable 実行可能な(≒workable, feasible)
novelty 真新しいこと
a fraction of わずかな
inequality 不平等、不公平
Japan Urges Millions to Evacuate as Typhoon Looms
著者:Ben Dooley and Makiko Inoue
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
TOKYO — Japanese authorities on Sunday ordered more than 1 million residents of western Japan to seek shelter as a major storm lashed the coast with high winds and threatened record-breaking flooding.
As of 7 a.m. Monday, the storm, Typhoon Haishen, had led to more than 448,000 homes in Kyushu losing power as it blew down trees and power lines, according to Kyushu Electric Power. More than 52 people were injured, according to the Kyodo news agency.
The storm had sat off the coast of the western island of Kyushu gathering power and creating chaos in the region, where it also disrupted flights and trains.
Local officials ordered 1.8 million people to evacuate seven prefectures across the region and had recommended that 5.8 million others across 11 prefectures seek shelter before the storm. The orders remained in place Monday morning as the storm passed by Japan and made landfall in the Korean Peninsula, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported.
The Japan Meteorological Agency had issued its highest-level warning for the storm, cautioning that it would bring record-high tides and that residents should be prepared for “large-scale flooding.”
“High tides combined with large waves could top coastal sea walls and inundate a wide area,” it said in a statement on its website Sunday afternoon. It kept in place warnings for residents to take shelter as heavy wind and rains were expected to continue throughout the day with the possibility of tornadoes.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe warned residents to listen to local authorities and “take immediate action to protect your life,” adding that the country’s Self-Defense Forces were prepared to offer aid in the event of widespread damage.
By Monday morning, fears for the worst seemed to be waning as the storm had largely passed the region. Nevertheless, it was powerful enough to create major disruptions in the area.
Rainfall of nearly 20 inches was recorded over 24 hours in the town of Misato in Kyushu’s Miyazaki prefecture.
Japan Railways said it would cancel some bullet train service in the region through Monday evening. And All Nippon Airways said it had canceled hundreds of flights across Kyushu, Shikoku, Okinawa and other parts of Japan through Tuesday.
Urge(s) 強く促す *8/26Takさん seek shelter 避難する
major 相当大きな
[a major crush(すごく熱心な片想い)]
lash(ed) ムチ打つ
[backlash(反動、反発)] *7/12Kengoさん
record-breaking 記録破りの
losing power 停電する
[power outage(停電), the power’s gone(停電した)]
off the coast of ~ 〜沖合いに
chaos カオス
[発音注意:ケィオァス] disrupt(ed) 不通にさせる(第3段落)、混乱させる(第8段落) *8/26Takさん
[語源:dis(離れる)+rupt(壊れる)] [親戚:corrupt(腐敗している), erupt(噴火する)]
evacuate 避難 *6/18Risaさん
[語源:e(外へ)+vacu(空っぽ)+ate(の状態にする)] prefectures 県
made landfall 上陸した *8/28Rieさん
record-high tides 記録的な高潮
coastal sea walls (沿岸部の)堤防
inundate 浸水する *8/17Kaoriさん
[語源:in(中に)+unda(流れる)] [オンディーヌ(水の精)]
It’s Not Easy to Get a Coronavirus Test for a Child
著者:Sarah Kliff and Margot Sanger-Katz
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
When Audrey Blute’s almost 2-year-old son, George, had a runny nose in July, she wanted to do what she felt was responsible: get him tested for coronavirus.
It wasn’t easy.
Blute, 34, planned to walk to one of Washington, D.C.’s free testing sites — until she learned they do not test children younger than 6. She called her pediatrician’s office, which also declined to test George.
As child care centers and schools reopen, parents are encountering another coronavirus testing bottleneck: Few sites will test children. Even in large cities with dozens of test sites, parents are driving long distances and calling multiple centers to track down one accepting children.
The age policies at testing sites reflect a range of concerns, including differences in health insurance, medical privacy rules, holes in test approval, and fears of squirmy or shrieking children.
The limited testing hampers schools’ ability to quickly isolate and trace coronavirus cases among students. It could also create a new burden on working parents, with some schools and child care centers requiring symptomatic children to test negative for coronavirus before rejoining class.
“There is no good reason not to do it in kids,” said Sean O’Leary, a Colorado pediatrician who sits on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ committee on infectious diseases. “It’s a matter of people not being comfortable with doing it.”
Many testing sites, including those run by cities and states, do not test any children or they set age minimums that exclude young children. The age limits vary widely from place to place.
The District of Columbia decided not to test young children at its public sites because children have nearly universal health coverage in the city, meaning they could be tested at a pediatrician’s office.
In Florida, the Division of Emergency Management announced last month that it would “prioritize” pediatric testing as students there begin to return to in-person school. Still, only a quarter of the 60 testing sites the agency supports will see children of all ages. The state’s 18 drive-thru sites are limited to patients 5 and older but did recently add priority lanes for symptomatic children.
Large pharmacy chains have generally catered to adults. Walgreens does not see children at its drive-thru clinics. CVS Health initially accepted only adult patients but dropped the age minimum to 16 in August and is in the process of lowering it to 12 this month.
runny nose 鼻水
pediatrician 小児科医
encounter 直面する
bottleneck 障害、邪魔になるもの
track down 見つけ出す、追跡する
squirm もがく、もじもじする
shriek 悲鳴をあげる
hampers 妨げる、妨害・阻止する
burden 負担、重荷
symptomatic 症状がある
universal 全員が、誰もが
prioritize 〜を優先する
Boeing 787 Dreamliner Deliveries Slowed by Quality Concerns
著者:Niraj Chokshi
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
Boeing said Tuesday that it expected deliveries of its popular 787 Dreamliner to be delayed as it and the Federal Aviation Administration look into quality control concerns with the plane, a widebody jet capable of carrying hundreds of passengers long distances.
Last month, the company said it had grounded eight planes already in service for inspection and repair after finding that it had fallen short of its manufacturing standards. On Tuesday, Boeing said it had identified another failure to abide by its own guidelines during production of a horizontal stabilizer, though it said there was no immediate risk.
“We are taking time to thoroughly inspect completed 787s to ensure that they are free of the issues and meet all engineering specifications prior to delivery,” the company said in a statement. “We expect these inspections to affect the timing of 787 deliveries in the near-term.”
Boeing said the new problem stemmed from excess force in assembling components of the stabilizer at its Salt Lake City facility and could affect the part’s life span. A total of 893 airplanes are believed to be affected, the company said, and it is examining whether repairs are needed on any jets now in service.
The Federal Aviation Administration is also investigating the company for manufacturing flaws related to the plane.
“The agency continues to engage with Boeing,” the agency said on Monday. “It is too early to speculate about the nature or extent of any proposed airworthiness directives that might arise.”
Boeing shares fell nearly 6% on Tuesday after The Wall Street Journal, citing agency documents, reported that the FAA was considering requiring deeper inspections of most of the approximately 1,000 Dreamliners delivered since 2011.
The Dreamliner is a star of Boeing’s lineup, a relatively fuel-efficient twin-aisle airplane suited to international service.
Production concerns with the plane are long-standing. More than a year ago, a review by The New York Times of hundreds of internal and federal records and interviews with current and former staff members found a culture that emphasized speed over quality at Boeing’s plant in North Charleston, South Carolina, one of two where the Dreamliner is produced.
quality control 品質管理
manufacturing standards 製造基準
inspection 検査
repair 修理
abide 忠実に守る、遵守する
to throughly inspect 徹底的に検査する
delivery 納入
stem from 〜に起因する、〜から起こる
flaw 傷、欠陥
Wildfires Bring New Devastation Across the West
著者:Bill Morlin and Mike Baker
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
MALDEN, Wash. — The wildfire arrived with such ferocity that deputies drove through the streets of Malden, Washington, screaming for people to leave. By the time the blaze passed, not even the fire station was spared — the town’s only fire truck was still trapped inside, turned into an ashen hulk.
The devastation in Washington state was repeated up and down the parched West Coast on Wednesday as a wildfire season of unrivaled destruction continued to spread, destroying not only much of Malden but several other communities in the Northwest.
In California, fires have now charred some 2.5 million acres — a modern record and nearly 20 times what had burned at this time last year. In Washington, a wildfire pushed into suburban communities near Tacoma. And in Oregon, officials said hundreds and perhaps more than 1,000 homes had already been destroyed.
Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon called the fires in her state an “unprecedented” situation. She cited several communities that appeared to have been “substantially destroyed”: Blue River, Detroit, Phoenix, Talent, Vida.
“We expect to see a great deal of loss, both in structures and in human lives,” Brown said.
Brown said that teams were fighting 35 wildfires across more than 300,000 acres and that smaller fires were still erupting. Mass evacuations were continuing, she said, and some people had been rescued from rivers.
Officials could not provide a complete count of fatalities or how many people were missing because they had not been able to reach some of the areas hardest hit by the fires. In Oregon, Sheriff Joe Kast of Marion County said crews had found two people dead in a vehicle from the Santiam Canyon wildfire east of Salem. He said searchers feared they could find more victims as rescue efforts continue.
At the scene of another fire, in northern Washington, authorities said Wednesday a 1-year-old boy died and his parents were in critical condition after they attempted to flee their property in Okanogan County.
In California, the Bear Fire north of Sacramento grew an astonishing 230,000 acres overnight, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes.
In Central California, three firefighters were injured while attempting to save their fire station. They had to be airlifted to a hospital, with one of them in critical condition.
ferocity 凶暴さ/猛烈さ
deputy 副(保安官)/代理(人)
blaze 炎上/炎
spared 免れた/救われた
ashen 灰だらけ/灰のような
hulk 正体のわからない(大きな)物体/かさばるもの
up/down the coast 海岸を南北にわたり/海岸のあちこち
parched 乾き切った/カラカラに乾燥した critical condition 重体/危篤状態
flee 逃げる/避難する