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Harry and Meghan Get an Apology After Suing Paparazzi
著者:Brooks Barnes
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
LOS ANGELES — The case of the unauthorized backyard photographs of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor has been solved. And the legal outcome, unveiled Thursday by his parents, Prince Harry and Meghan, has left one of Hollywood’s biggest paparazzi agencies with its tail between its legs.
In July, the couple filed an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit over photographs taken with a drone and zoom cameras of the 14-month-old Archie as he played with his maternal grandmother in their backyard. At the time, the family was staying at a secluded estate in Beverly Hills owned by entertainment mogul Tyler Perry. They did not name the defendants in the lawsuit because they did not know who they were.
The filing allowed their lawyer, Michael J. Kump, to send fact-finding subpoenas to the three biggest celebrity news agencies in Los Angeles: Backgrid, Splash News and X17.
The culprit turned out to be X17, which, according to a settlement agreement filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, has agreed to turn over the photos to the family, destroy any copies in its archives or databases, and never again traffic in any photos of the couple or their son taken by similar means “in any private residence or the surrounding private grounds.”
In paperwork filed with the court, François Navarre, who owns X17 with his wife, Brandy, also agreed to apologize and pay the family’s legal fees.
Harry and Meghan, who have clashed repeatedly with the British news media over privacy concerns, sent a stark message to U.S. paparazzi agencies with the case: You come after us, and we will come after you.
“We apologize to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their son for the distress we have caused,” X17 said. “We were wrong to offer these photographs and commit to not doing so again.”
The couple, who resettled in California this year after a dramatic decampment from the House of Windsor, sued under a so-called paparazzi law, by which a person can be held liable civilly for intruding airspace to take photographs of a person on private property. The law was enacted in 1998 and last updated in 2015. It also covers wild driving by celebrity photographers while stalking their subjects — the kind of behavior that bedeviled Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, who died in 1997 after her sedan crashed while trying to escape paparazzi on motorcycles.
with (one’s) tail between (one’s) legs しっぽを巻いて、しょげかえって
invasion of privacy プライバシーの侵害
secluded 人里離れた、 辺ぴな
mogul 大御所、巨匠
defendant 被告 (人)
subpoena 召喚状
culprit 犯人、容疑者
turn over A to B AをBに引き渡す(引き継ぐ)
traffic ~を不正取引する
stark こわばった、厳しい
decampment (困難などから) 逃れること、逃亡
civilly 民法上、民事的に
intrude 侵入する
bedeviled (人)を悩ませる、ひどく苦しめる
2020 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to UN World Food Program
著者:Megan Specia
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
The World Food Program, a United Nations agency, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, with the committee recognizing its efforts to combat a surge in hunger as the coronavirus pandemic has swept around the world with devastating impact.
The committee noted that the organization’s work addressing hunger had also laid the foundations for peace in war-torn nations.
The U.N. body — the largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security internationally — last year provided assistance to nearly 1 million people in 88 countries. But in many countries, particularly those wracked by war, the combination of conflict and the pandemic has sharply increased the numbers of people on the brink of starvation.
“In the face of the pandemic, the World Food Program has demonstrated an impressive ability to intensify its efforts,” the Nobel committee said.
The World Food Program, established in 1961 after a proposal by President Dwight Eisenhower, has been a major behind-the-scenes player helping people affected by some of the world’s most devastating humanitarian disasters, including famine in Ethiopia in the 1980s, wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, the 2004 Asian tsunami and the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
While the organization still responds to natural disasters, helping people in areas of armed conflict occupies the bulk of its relief effort, and those crises have been made worse by the coronavirus pandemic.
The choice of a U.N. agency as the Peace Prize recipient is also significant amid a continued pullback from the United States under the Trump administration in its support for the global body. Since President Donald Trump took office, the United States has withdrawn from several U.N. bodies and slashed funding for others, including those involved in humanitarian relief work. Trump halted funded to the World Health Organization, a U.N. agency that coordinates the global response to the pandemic, this spring.
In a post on Twitter, the World Food Program responded to the award, calling it a “powerful reminder” that peace and #ZeroHunger go hand-in-hand.”
Combat 戦う
Humanitarian 人道主義
on the brink of 瀬戸際
Starvation 飢餓
Intensify 強める
behind-the-scenes 舞台裏
devastating 破壊的な
Famine 食糧不足
Amid 真ん中、真っ最中
Halt 停止する
Twitter Will Turn Off Some Features to Fight Election Misinformation
著者:Kate Conger
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
OAKLAND, Calif. — Twitter took steps Friday to slow the way information flows on its network, even changing some of its most basic features, as alarm grows that lies and calls for violence will sweep through social media in the weeks surrounding the presidential election.
The changes will temporarily alter the look and feel of Twitter. The company will essentially give users a timeout, for example, before they can hit the button to retweet a post from another account. And if users try to share content that Twitter has flagged as false, a notice will warn them that they are about to share inaccurate information.
Twitter also said it would add a label to claims about who won the election until it has been called by authoritative sources.
The steps announced Friday are the most dramatic in a series of moves made by social media companies in recent months to stem the flow of misinformation in the lead-up to the Nov. 3 election, and are likely to draw the ire of Twitter’s most famous user, President Donald Trump.
The companies are going to considerable lengths to avoid a repeat of the 2016 election, when Russian disinformation flowed unchecked on Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube, which is owned by Google. Facebook and Google have committed to banning political ads for an undetermined period after polls close Nov. 3.
In this election, much of the false news on the platforms has come from domestic sources and, in some cases, elected officials. That has forced the companies to walk a careful line between stopping false narratives because they go viral and have a real-world impact while countering arguments that they have become self-appointed censors.
In recent weeks, Twitter has already added warning labels to lies posted by elected officials — flagging several of Trump’s tweets — and has cracked down on photos and videos that had been manipulated to deceive viewers. The company has not accepted political advertising for nearly a year.
Most of the latest changes will happen Oct. 20 and will be temporary, Twitter said. Labels warning users against sharing false information will begin to appear next week. The company plans to wait until the result of the presidential election is clear before turning the features back on.
feature 機能
sweep through (ニュースなどが)さっと広がる
alter 変える
the look and feel 見た目と使い勝手
timeout 活動の小休止、中断
hit the button ボタンを押す
flag (動) (旗などで)知らせる、フラッグを立てる
call 終わりにする、区切りをつける
stem (動)食い止める
lead-up 前ぶり、準備活動
ire 怒り
go to considerable lengths (目的達成のために) あらゆることをする
disinformation 偽(にせ)情報、デマ
walk a careful line 慎重に歩く
narrative 話
go viral SNSで情報が頻繁に共有される、バズる
counter (動) 対抗する
self-appointed censor 自称検閲者
crack down 厳しく取り締まる
manipulate (10/9 復習) 操作する
North Korea Unveils New ICBM During Military Parade
著者:Choe Sang-Hun
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea displayed what appeared to be its largest-ever intercontinental ballistic missile during a nighttime military parade in Pyongyang on Saturday, but it was not immediately clear if the missile would work or was for show.
The North’s leader, Kim Jong Un, has vowed to strengthen the country’s nuclear deterrent amid stalled diplomacy with President Donald Trump, coming at a time when he has struggled to keep his promises to strengthen the hermetic country’s economy.
The new ICBM appeared to be much larger than North Korea’s largest, previously disclosed long-range missile, the Hwasong-15. The size of the new missile indicated that it might be able to fly farther and carry a more powerful nuclear warhead, South Korean and other analysts said, although it has never been flight-tested.
North Korea has been increasing its missile and nuclear technologies despite Trump’s on-again, off-again diplomacy with Kim, and the display Saturday is likely an attempt to show that more advances are being made.
But it was not immediately clear if the new missiles were real or were mocked-up versions.
When North Korea test-launched the Hwasong-15 in late 2017, it claimed the missile could reach any part of the continental United States carrying a nuclear warhead. Although North Korea has conducted three ICBM tests, all in 2017, it remained unclear whether the country had the technology needed to protect a nuclear warhead during atmospheric reentry.
North Korea had been preparing for months for the military parade Saturday, the 75th anniversary of its ruling Workers’ Party. Analysts noted Kim’s political calculations in deciding how to celebrate the party anniversary, an important national holiday, which comes just weeks before the November election in the United States. By displaying a new and apparently more powerful ICBM, Kim seemed to demonstrate the North’s growing military threat to whoever wins the election.
By showing off — but not going so far as launching — a new ICBM for the party anniversary, analysts said Kim appeared to want to avoid provoking Trump unnecessarily before the U.S. election. But the display may indicate that he has the ability to test-launch the missile if he decided to try to boost his leverage in future talks with whoever wins the election.
Unveil 初公開する
appear to be 〜のように見える
ballistic 弾道
[語源: ball(投げる)+istic]
[親戚: ball(体を投げ出す→踊る→舞踏会)
vow 誓う
deterrent 抑止力
nuclear deterrent(抑止力としての核兵器)
[語源: de(〜でなくする)+terr(terror=恐怖)]
stalled 引き延ばされた
hermetic 密封された
[語源: Hermes(ギリシア神話の錬金術の神)のような
→ へルメスが錬金術で秘密の封をしたことから]
indicated 示唆している
warhead 弾頭likely おそらく
mocked-up 実物大模型の
atmospheric reentry 大気圏再突入
apparently 見たところ
[親戚: appear(現われる)]
seemed to 〜のようだ
showing off 見せびらかす
leverage 影響力
[語源: lever(てこ)を入れることによる効力]
July Is the New January: More Companies Delay Return to the Office
著者:Gillian Friedman and Kellen Browning
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
When the coronavirus pandemic shuttered offices around the United States in March, many companies told their employees that it would be only a short hiatus away from headquarters.
Workers, they said, would be back in their cubicles within a matter of weeks. Weeks turned into September. Then September turned into January. And now, with the virus still surging in some parts of the country, a growing number of employers are delaying return-to-office dates once again, to the summer of 2021 at the earliest.
Google was one of the first to announce that July 2021 was its return-to-office date. Uber, Slack and Airbnb soon jumped on the bandwagon. In the past week, Microsoft, Target, Ford Motor Co. and The New York Times said they, too, had postponed the return of in-person work to next summer and acknowledged the inevitable: The pandemic isn’t going away anytime soon.
“Let’s just bite the bullet,” said Joan Burke, the chief people officer of DocuSign in San Francisco. In August, her company, which manages electronic document signatures, decided it would allow its 5,200 employees to work from home until June 2021.
“We’re still in a place where this is evolving,” she said. “None of us have all the answers.”
Many more companies are expected to delay their return-to-office dates to keep workers safe. And workers said they were in no rush to go back, with 73% of U.S. employees fearing that being in their workplace could pose a risk to their personal health and safety, according to a study by Wakefield Research commissioned by Envoy, a workplace technology company.
More companies are also saying that they will institute permanent work-from-home policies so employees do not ever have to come into the office again.
In May, Facebook was one of the first to announce that it would allow many employees to work remotely even after the pandemic. Twitter, Coinbase and Shopify have also said they would do so. On Friday, Microsoft announced it would also be part of that shift.
shutter シャッターを閉める、休業する
hiatus 中断、休止
cubicle 小さく区切られたデスク
surge 急上昇、急増
bandwagon 流行
inevitable 不可避なもの
bite the bullet 耐え忍ぶ
evolve 進化する
institute 設置する、制定する
permanent 永久的に
Environmentalists and Dam Operators, at War for Years, Start Making Peace
著者:Brad Plumer
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — The industry that operates America’s hydroelectric dams and several environmental groups announced an unusual agreement Tuesday to work together to get more clean energy from hydropower while reducing the environmental harm from dams, in a sign that the threat of climate change is spurring both sides to rethink their decadeslong battle over a large but contentious source of renewable power.
The United States generated about 7% of its electricity last year from hydropower, mainly from large dams built decades ago, such as the Hoover Dam, which uses flowing water from the Colorado River to power turbines. But while these facilities don’t emit planet-warming carbon dioxide, the dams themselves have often proved ecologically devastating, choking off America’s once-wild rivers and killing fish populations.
So, over the past 50 years, conservation groups have rallied to block any large new dams from being built, while proposals to upgrade older hydropower facilities or construct new water-powered energy-storage projects have often been bogged down in lengthy regulatory disputes over environmental safeguards.
The new agreement signals a desire to deescalate this long-running war.
In a joint statement, industry groups and environmentalists said they would collaborate on a set of specific policy measures that could help generate more renewable electricity from dams already in place, while retrofitting many of the nation’s 90,000 existing dams to be safer and less ecologically damaging.
The two sides also said they would work together to accelerate the removal of older dams that are no longer needed, in order to improve the health of rivers. More than 1,000 dams nationwide have already been torn down in recent decades.
The statement, the result of two years of quiet negotiations, was signed by the National Hydropower Association, an industry trade group, as well as environmental groups including American Rivers, the World Wildlife Fund and the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Bob Irvin, president of American Rivers, which has long highlighted the harm that dams cause to the nation’s waterways, said that growing concern over global warming had caused some environmentalists to reassess their long-standing opposition to hydropower.
“The climate crisis has become a lot more acute and we recognize that we need to generate carbon-free energy whenever and wherever we can,” Irvin said. “And we do see that hydropower has a role to play there.”
environmentalist 環境保護論者
hydroelectric 水力発電の
spur せき立てる、促す
contentious 議論を呼び起こす、論争の的となっている
choke 窒息させる、塞ぐ、詰まらす
rally (再び)集める、再結合する、取り戻す
bog 沼にハマる・ハマらせる、動きが取れなくなる・取れなくさせる
lengthy 長時間の
deescalate 減少させる・減少する
retrofit 改造する、取り付ける
torn 決心がつかない、分裂して
(※tear down (建物など)を取り壊す)
Europe, Which Thought It Had the Virus Tamed, Faces a Resurgence
著者:Mark Landler
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
LONDON — From France to Russia, from Britain to the Czech Republic, European leaders are confronting a surge in coronavirus cases that is rapidly filling hospital beds, driving up death tolls and raising the grim prospect of further lockdowns in countries already traumatized by the pandemic.
With an average of more than 100,000 new infections per day over the past week, Europe now accounts for about one-third of new cases reported worldwide.
President Emmanuel Macron of France on Wednesday imposed a curfew of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the Paris region and eight other metropolitan areas, beginning Saturday.
The resurgence has prompted officials to close bars and clubs in Prague and Liverpool, England, and to make face masks mandatory in public indoor spaces in Amsterdam. In Russia, which reported its largest daily increase in infections Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin sought refuge from the torrent of bad news by announcing that his government had approved a second vaccine.
Public health experts have long warned that the virus could roar back when the days grew colder, driving people indoors, where the risk of transmission is far greater.
On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany Merkel and Macron announced a raft of nationwide restrictions in their countries, ranging from the closing of bars and restaurants to the mandatory use of masks.
Germany reported 5,132 new infections Tuesday, up from 2,639 a week earlier; France reported 120,000 new cases over the past seven days, one of the highest rates in the world.
French officials warned that in the Paris region, intensive care units would be 70% to 90% filled with COVID-19 patients by the end of the month.
In the Spanish region of Catalonia, where cases have risen 40% in the past week, authorities closed bars and restaurants for 15 days, except for takeout food. Shops were told to limit their traffic to 30% of capacity.
In the Netherlands, where the number of cases almost doubled this week to 44,000, the government announced a limited lockdown.
In an about-face, Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued “strong advice” for people to wear masks inside public places. Dutch authorities had long said that masks provided a false sense of security, emphasizing other forms of social distancing. Rutte said his government would seek to make them legally obligatory.
tame (6/29 & 8/19の復習)制御する/飼いならす
resurgence (8/19の復習) 再起/復活
Czech Republic チェコ共和國
curfew 門限/夜間外出禁止命令
metropolitan 大都市の/都会の
roar back 再び猛威を振るう/すごい勢いで元の状態に戻る
a raft of~ 大量の〜/たくさんの
intensive care units 集中治療室
about-face (7/15の復習)急に考えを変える/180度の転向
obligatory 義務的な/強制的な