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Facebook Removes Trump Ads Displaying Symbol Used by Nazis
著者:Annie Karni
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — Facebook on Thursday removed advertisements posted on its platform by the Trump campaign that prominently featured a symbol used by Nazis to classify political prisoners in concentration camps during World War II, saying the imagery violated company policy.
The Trump campaign had used the ads, with a picture of a large red triangle, to inveigh against antifa, a loose collective of anti-fascist protesters that President Donald Trump has blamed for stirring violence and vandalism during the nationwide protests against racial injustice. There is scant evidence that antifa has been involved in any coordinated campaigns during the demonstrations.
“Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem,” the campaign’s Facebook ads said. Beneath the text was the red triangle, which Nazis used to identify communists and other political prisoners in camps, just as they used a pink triangle to identify people they labeled as homosexual.
It was not clear if the Trump campaign was familiar with the origin of the symbol, which was reclaimed after World War II by some anti-fascists in Britain and Germany, in the same way that various political groups over the years have reclaimed words and symbols used to oppress them.
“We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate,” Facebook said in a statement. “Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group’s symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol.”
Before their removal, however, the ads gained more than 1 million impressions across the Facebook pages of Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. They began running on Facebook on Wednesday and were flagged by a journalist for Fortune magazine on Thursday.
Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign’s communications director, defended the advertisements. “The red triangle is a common Antifa symbol used in an ad about Antifa,” he wrote in an email. “Pretty straightforward.”
Facebook has removed Trump campaign ads in the past, for different reasons. In March, for instance, the company took down a number of posts that contained misleading information about the U.S. census, which violated Facebook’s rules.
prominently 著しく、顕著に、目立つように
inveigh 痛烈に非難する、激しく抗議する
vandalism 破壊行為
scant 〔要求に対して〕不十分な、乏しい
mayhem 暴力
reclaim ~を再要求する、再利用する
condemn 非難する、強制する
Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most
著者:Christopher Flavelle
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — Pregnant women exposed to high temperatures or air pollution are more likely to have children who are premature, underweight or stillborn, and African American mothers and babies are harmed at a much higher rate than the population at large, according to sweeping new research examining more than 32 million births in the United States.
The research adds to a growing body of evidence that minorities bear a disproportionate share of the danger from pollution and global warming. Not only are minority communities in the U.S. far more likely to be hotter than the surrounding areas, a phenomenon known as the “heat island” effect, but they are also more likely to be located near polluting industries.
“We already know that these pregnancy outcomes are worse for black women,” said Rupa Basu, one of the paper’s authors and the chief of the air and climate epidemiological section for the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in California. “It’s even more exacerbated by these exposures.”
The research, published Thursday in JAMA Network Open, part of the Journal of the American Medical Association, presents some of the most sweeping evidence so far linking aspects of climate change with harm to newborn children. The project looked at 57 studies published since 2007 that found a relationship between heat or air pollution and birth outcomes in the U.S.
The cumulative findings from the studies offer reason to be concerned that the toll on babies’ health will grow as climate change worsens.
Higher temperatures, which are an increasing issue as climate change causes more frequent and intense heat waves, were associated with more premature births. Four studies found that high temperatures were tied to an increased risk of premature birth ranging from 8.6% to 21%. Low birth weights were also more common as temperatures rose.
The authors looked at two studies that examined the link between higher temperatures and stillbirths. One found that every temperature increase of 1 degree Celsius in the week before delivery corresponded with a 6% greater likelihood of stillbirth between May and September. Both studies found racial disparities in the number of stillbirths.
premature 早産、低体重児の出産
stillborn 死産の
disproportionate 不釣り合いな、不均衡な
epidemiological 疫学の[に関する・的な]
exacerbate 〔悪い状況をさらに〕悪化させる、深刻にする
cumulative 累積する、蓄積された
toll on ~への影響、~への負担
racial disparity 人種的格差
After 15 Years, Apple Prepares to Break Up With Intel
著者:Don Clark and Jack Nicas
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
OAKLAND, Calif. — Silicon Valley is bracing for a long-expected breakup of Apple and Intel, signaling both the end of one of the tech industry’s most influential partnerships and Apple’s determination to take more control of how its products are built.
Apple has been working for years on designing chips to replace the Intel microprocessors used in Mac computers, according to five people with knowledge of the effort, who weren’t authorized to speak about it. They say Apple could announce its plans as soon as a company conference for developers Monday, with computers based on the new chips arriving next year.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, the partner Apple uses to build similar components it designs for iPhones and iPads, is expected to make the Mac chips in factories in Asia.
Intel and Apple declined to comment.
Apple has created a large chip-design team. A number of them once worked at Intel.
Apple’s move would be a symbolic blow to Intel, particularly when civilian and military officials are concerned over the weakening of U.S. leadership in chip manufacturing, which they regard as crucial to the country’s ability to retain an edge over China.
The move’s financial impact on Intel would be muted, at least in the short term. Intel sells Apple about $3.4 billion in chips for Macs each year, according to C.J. Muse, an Evercore analyst. That is less than 5% of Intel’s annual sales, and Muse forecast that the blow would be closer to half that since Apple might change the chips on only some Mac models. Apple sells nearly 20 million Macs a year.
But the long-term effects could still be serious for Intel. The chipmaker’s lofty profit margins have long been linked to its track record of delivering the most powerful computing engines on the market. But Intel has never done well selling chips for newer tech products like smartphones and tablets.
And Intel has stumbled badly in the industrywide race to miniaturize. Intel’s latest process for making chips, once expected as early as 2015, did not enter high-volume production until 2019. The delay aided Taiwan Semiconductor and Samsung Electronics; the competitors exploited Intel’s lag to take a technology lead.
Apple was troubled by the production stumble. Intel also ran into stronger-than-expected demand for other types of chips, causing production shortages. The combination further tarnished Intel’s image as a reliable producer.
Brace 支える、備える
Blow 吹く、殴打
Edge 刃、縁、優勢、強み
Lofty 高尚な、非常に高い
Tarnish 変色させる、汚す
Ian Holm, Malleable Actor Who Played Lear and a Hobbit, Dies at 88
著者:Mel Gussow
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
Ian Holm, a virtuosic British actor celebrated for his performances in plays by Shakespeare and Harold Pinter and in movies from Sidney Lumet’s “Night Falls on Manhattan” to the “Lord of the Rings” and “Hobbit” trilogies, died Friday in London. He was 88.
Isabella Riggs, an employee of his agents, Markham, Froggatt & Irwin, confirmed the death, in a hospital. She said the cause was an illness related to Parkinson’s disease.
A character actor who eventually played leading roles, Holm had a kind of magical malleability, with a range that went from the sweet-tempered to the psychotic. In the theater he ran the gamut of Shakespeare, from the high-spirited Prince Hal to the tormented King Lear, and he left his imprint on two roles in Pinter’s “The Homecoming”: the sleek, entrepreneurial Lenny and his autocratic father, Max.
In films, Holm incarnated characters of diverse geographic origin and nature, including a tough New York cop in “Night Falls on Manhattan” (1996), a big-city negligence lawyer in Atom Egoyan’s “The Sweet Hereafter” (1997) and a bohemian genius manqué in the title role in Stanley Tucci’s “Joe Gould’s Secret” (2000).
Exploring the world of fantasy, he was a malfunctioning robot in Ridley Scott’s “Alien” (1979) and the hobbit Bilbo Baggins in “The Fellowship of the Ring” (2001) and “The Return of the King” (2003), from Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, and Jackson’s subsequent “Hobbit” films.
Explaining his ability to immerse himself in such disparate characters, Holm said simply, “I’m a chameleon.” The transformation was emotional as well as physical, as he discovered new depths of compassion even in the most unlikely characters.
In 1993, overcoming a serious case of stage fright, he returned to the theater after an absence of more than 15 years to star in Pinter’s “Moonlight.” Four years later he set himself the monumental challenge of “King Lear” at the National Theater in London. It brought him the Laurence Olivier Award as best actor. Playing Lear, he said, was “like climbing Everest with no oxygen.”
He is survived by Sophie de Stempel, his fourth wife; five children; and eight grandchildren, Riggs, of his agency, said.
Holm was knighted in 1998.
Malleable 鉄が鍛えられる、柔軟な
Gamut 全音階、全音域
Incarnate 肉体を持つ、人の姿をした
Immerse 沈める、浸る
Stage fright 舞台負け、あがること
Survived by… 残された遺族は…
Be knighted ナイトの称号を受ける
From Policing to Climate Change, a Sweeping Call for a ‘Moral Revolution’
著者:John Eligon
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
A national coalition to address the challenges of the working poor released a sweeping legislative platform in a three-hour virtual rally Saturday, including proposals to address mass incarceration, health care and wealth inequality.
The policy agenda by the coalition, the Poor People’s Campaign, seeks to offer a road map for tackling the systemic injustices that have captured the nation’s attention in recent weeks after the police killing of George Floyd.
“The worst mistake we can make now, with all the marching, the protesting in the streets, would be to demand too little,” said the Rev. William Barber II, a co-chair of the campaign along with the Rev. Liz Theoharis.
“We are here today to say together, ‘It’s time to choose life, America,’” Barber said at the end of the rally, which was streamed online. “It’s time for us to do it together. It’s time for a moral revolution of values.”
Although the organizers said their coalition — inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign — was nonpartisan, it offered a boldly liberal agenda. Among many other proposals, it called for ending cash bail and predatory fines and fees; ending military training for law enforcement; investing federal funds into efforts to desegregate schools; and moving immigration oversight out of the Department of Homeland Security.
As part of the efforts to ensure justice and end racism, it calls for the creation of a National Truth Commission on Mass Incarceration and Police Violence that would highlight the experiences of people affected by incarceration and police violence and identify solutions to those issues that would inform federal policy.
There are familiar proposals to address things like climate change through a reduction of the use of fossil fuels but also more sweeping demands like funding rental assistance programs and the creation of affordable housing by leveling financial penalties against Wall Street institutions that profited from the housing crisis.
There also are proposals to rewrite the formula for determining how social welfare programs like cash assistance and Social Security are allocated, to create a federal jobs program to help people acquire skills and employment, and to give “baby bonds” to all newborns to help close the racial wealth gap.
(*6/10復習 police 取り締まる
incarceration 監禁、投獄
(in 入る + carcer = prison刑務所)
Rev = reverend 牧師、(聖職者に対して)~師
nonpartisan 超党派の
desegregate 人種差別待遇を廃止する、隔離の廃止
*segregate 隔離する
level(動) 平等にする、一律にする
*level off 横ばいになる
‘There’s Probably Never Been More Uncertainty,’ Fed Official Warns
著者:Jeanna Smialek
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — Federal Reserve officials Friday warned the U.S. economic outlook remains wildly uncertain, as parts of the country see a new surge in coronavirus infections.
“So far, in the United States efforts to contain the virus have not been particularly successful,” Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, said in a speech Friday. With the spread of the disease continuing “and the acceleration of new cases in many states, I expect the economic rebound in the second half of the year to be less than was hoped for at the outset of the pandemic.”
But while the downturn could persist — or worsen — the central bank’s vice chairman for supervision, Randal K. Quarles, said the Fed would determine capital requirements — essentially the financial cushions they must keep to withstand losses — based on economic scenarios developed before the pandemic took hold. While the Fed is testing the strength of banks against multiple dire scenarios that reflect how the virus might play out, the central bank will not publish bank-specific results.
“We don’t know about the pace of reopening, how consumers will behave or the prospects for a new round of containment,” Quarles said.
Given the serious risks, the Fed’s annual “stress tests,” the results of which will be released next week, will include three sensitivity analysis scenarios. These would look at how the banking system would fare in the case of a V-shaped recovery, in which output and employment bounce back quickly; a U-shaped rebound, in which jobs and growth take a long time to recover; or a W-shaped trajectory, in which a second wave of the coronavirus forces activity to collapse again, Quarles said.
The Fed has taken a number of actions to ensure lending continues and credit does not become prohibitively expensive, relaxing some regulations while rolling out a variety of emergency programs, including several that buy loans to qualifying small- and medium-sized businesses from bank balance sheets.
Even so, central bank officials have repeatedly warned that both they and Congress may need to do more to make sure the economy can recover as massive risks persist.
“Lives and livelihoods have been lost, and uncertainty looms large,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said in remarks prepared for delivery Friday afternoon. “We will make our way back from this, but it will take time and work,” he said.
dire 恐ろしい、差し迫った
“The question is not whether we will be
but what kind of extremists we will be…
The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
stress test ストレステスト、負荷試験
fare 事が運ぶ
trajectory 軌道、(ロケットなどの)弾道
roll out 投入する、展開する
loom large 心配事などが)大きく立ちはだかる、迫る
Neolithic Site Near Stonehenge Yields an ‘Astonishing Discovery’
著者:Megan Specia
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
LONDON — A new archaeological discovery at the site of an ancient village near Stonehenge promises to offer significant clues about life more than 4,500 years ago in the Neolithic period.
The find also makes the site the largest prehistoric structure in Britain and possibly in Europe, according to Vincent Gaffney, of the University of Bradford, an archaeologist involved in the analysis.
Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the English countryside, has long drawn visitors to admire its looming stone slabs.
The study, published online Sunday, outlines the discovery of a large circle of shafts surrounding the ancient village — known as the Durrington Walls henge monument — about 2 miles from Stonehenge. The trenches, each of which is around 30 feet wide and 15 feet deep, are thought to have been part of a ritual boundary area between the two sites.
Uncovered through remote sensing technology and ground sampling, the discovery could amount to one of the most significant finds ever made at the site, archaeologists and experts said.
“As the place where the builders of Stonehenge lived and feasted, Durrington Walls is key to unlocking the story of the wider Stonehenge landscape,” Nick Snashall, the National Trust archaeologist for the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site, said in a statement.
Calling the finding an “astonishing discovery,” she said it would “write a whole new chapter in the story of the Stonehenge landscape.”
The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project, a partnership among several universities and research institutions, was behind the latest discovery.
Many experts say Stonehenge was probably a sacred site that people visited for significant ceremonies, including burials.
“Stonehenge was for the dead; Durrington was for the living,” Gaffney said. “But now, what we are probably looking at was this great big boundary around them probably warning people of what they are approaching.”
He said that the pits had been set at a deliberate distance and that their locations would have had to be paced out from a central point. That is a significant clue about people living in the area at the time, he said, because it “means they could count” — making it among the earliest evidence for counting in what is now Britain.
meandering 曲がりくねった、とりとめもない
トルコの現Menderes River(メンデレス川)]
excoriated 皮を剥ぐ、激しく非難する
[親戚:cork コルク(木の皮)]
gingerly 非常に用心深く、きわめて慎重に
dissected 慎重に吟味されている、解剖される
[親戚:section(部分), sector(部門)]
conceded しぶしぶ認める
[親戚:precede(前に来る), proceed(進む)]
myriad 無数の
eroded 侵食された
foiling 妨げる、成功を無にする
rosy sheen バラ色の(楽観的に感じさせる)つや
The President’s Shock at the Rows of Empty Seats in Tulsa
著者:Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
President Donald Trump and several staff members stood backstage and gazed at the empty Bank of Oklahoma Center in horror.
The president, who had been warned aboard Air Force One that the crowds at the arena were smaller than expected, was stunned, and he yelled at aides backstage while looking at the endless rows of empty blue seats in the upper bowl of the stadium, according to four people familiar with what took place. Brad Parscale, the campaign manager who had put the event together, was not present.
Trump eventually entered the arena for a meandering performance in which he excoriated the “fake news” for reporting on health concerns before his event, used racist language to describe the coronavirus as the “Kung Flu” and spent more than 15 minutes explaining away an unflattering video clip of him gingerly descending a ramp after his commencement speech at West Point.
By the end of the rally, Trump’s mood had improved, advisers said. But after he left the stage, the fight seemed to have left him, at least temporarily. Leaving the arena, he wasn’t yelling. Instead, he was mostly muted.
Exactly what went wrong was still being dissected on Sunday. But a broad group of advisers and associates acknowledged to one another that Trump had not been able to will public opinion away from fears about the spread of the coronavirus in an indoor space. And they conceded that myriad polls showing Trump’s eroded standing were not fake, and that he might be on course to lose in November.
In a statement, Parscale, the campaign manager who many advisers singled out for the overhyped numbers, claimed the reports about TikTok users and Korean pop music fans foiling attendance at the rally were inaccurate, and even raised the possibility of not allowing the news media to attend events in the future.
But unlike most situations in which Trump’s advisers have tried to keep certain information from him or put a rosy sheen on it, the president saw for himself the empty seats in Oklahoma.
Neolithic 新石器時代の
Yield 産む、譲る
名詞で産出量という意味も:yield of corn(トウモロコシの産出量)
archaeological 考古学的な
significant 重大な
[親戚:signify(印にする→前兆となる、表わす), signature(署名)]
prehistoric 有史以前の
looming 大きく迫る、ぼうっと(ゆっくり)現れる
henge 円形の土盛りと溝で囲まれた青銅器時代のイギリスの建造物
Trump Suspends Visas Allowing Hundreds of Thousands of Foreigners to Work in the U.S.
著者:Michael D. Shear and Miriam Jordan
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Monday temporarily suspended new work visas and barred hundreds of thousands of foreigners from seeking employment in the United States, part of a broad effort to limit the entry of immigrants into the country.
In a sweeping order, which will be in place at least until the end of the year, Trump blocked visas for a wide variety of jobs, including those for computer programmers and other skilled workers who enter the country under the H-1B visa, as well as those for seasonal workers in the hospitality industry, students on work-study summer programs and au pairs who arrive under other auspices.
The order also restricts the ability of American companies with global operations and international companies with U.S. branches to transfer foreign executives and other employees to the United States for months or yearslong stints. And it blocks the spouses of foreigners who are employed at companies in the United States.
Officials said the ban on worker visas, combined with extending restrictions on the issuance of new green cards, would keep as many as 525,000 foreign workers out of the country for the rest of the year.
Business leaders say the directive will block their ability to recruit critically needed workers for jobs that Americans are not willing to do or are not capable of performing.
“This is a full-frontal attack on American innovation and our nation’s ability to benefit from attracting talent from around the world,” said Todd Schulte, the president of FWD.us, a pro-immigration group supported by technology companies.
Administration officials said the president’s order would not affect people outside the United States who already have valid visas or seasonal farm workers. There will also be a narrow exception for certain medical workers dealing specifically with coronavirus research, officials said.
“These immigration bans are more red meat and not jobs for the base,” said Rebecca Shi from the American Business Immigration Coalition in Chicago. “They don’t even serve Trump’s own business interests.”
Trump has used H-2B visas to hire seasonal staff for his resorts to work as cooks and waiters.
barred 禁じられた、除外された
foreigners 外国人
sweeping 完全な、圧倒的な
spouse 配偶者
ban 禁じる、〜ができないようにする
full-frontal 全面的な、痛烈な
narrow 限られた
New Yorkers Can Now Go Back to Offices, but Many Won’t
著者:Michael Gold and Troy Closson
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
NEW YORK — Even as offices across New York City were allowed to welcome back employees Monday for the first time in months, the number of those returning to work was far lower than the swarms that once jostled elbows on public transit and packed into high-rise elevators.
With the coronavirus still a threat and businesses required to limit their capacity and ensure distance between workers, sidewalks that would typically be crammed were fairly empty. Subway cars also had relatively few riders for the start of the workweek, and parks in business districts were sparsely populated.
At the same time, many of those who returned to once-dormant offices and stores were eager to make any step toward the pre-pandemic status quo.
More than 100 days ago, buildings across New York City shut their doors, and companies sent workers home. As the pandemic swept across the city, lockdown orders left offices dormant, stores shuttered and streets and sidewalks all but abandoned.
On Monday, two weeks after it first began easing restrictions, New York City entered a much larger reopening phase — one that permits outdoor dining and some in-store shopping, and also allows hair salons, barbershops and real estate firms to restart their work.
“Phase 1 was a big deal,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news briefing. “But Phase 2 is really a giant step for this city. This is where most of our economy is.”
This step toward normalcy, the city’s broadest yet, will pose a major test for efforts to keep the coronavirus at bay, with as many as 300,000 people projected to return this week to jobs that keep them in enclosed spaces for hours at a time.
Even as New York has made significant progress fighting the coronavirus — the positive test rate in the city hovers around 1%, down significantly from about 60% in early April — many companies still see the virus as enough of a threat that they have decided to not bring workers back for months, if not longer.
In a survey conducted this month by the Partnership for New York City, an influential business group, respondents from 60 companies with Manhattan offices predicted that only 10% of their employees would return by Aug. 15.
swarms 大群の、群れを成して
jostled 人波にもまれる
crammed ぎっしり詰められた
sparsely まばらに、わずかに
eager 熱心な、待ちきれない様子の
status quo 現状、そのままの状態
abandoned 見捨てられた、放棄された
normalcy 正常であること
Lots of Drama But Little Certainty in Kentucky and New York Primaries
著者:Jonathan Martin and Jesse McKinley
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — Voters in Kentucky and New York were selecting nominees in extraordinary circumstances Tuesday, as fears about the coronavirus reduced the number of polling places and led to a surge in absentee balloting that was almost certain to delay the results, possibly for days.
Kentucky Democrats were deciding who would be their nominee against Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, in a race that was testing the power of money against the potency of the grassroots activism that has sprung up around the Black Lives Matter movement.
Amy McGrath, a former Marine pilot who raised well over $40 million, was dominating the primary for months until state Rep. Charles Booker roared into contention in recent weeks. His candidacy was lifted by the energy that rose up in response to the killing of Louisville’s Breonna Taylor and other unarmed Black Americans by white police officers.
But even as voters turned out at a reduced number of polling stations in Kentucky, New York and Virginia, it was unclear when the party nominees would be known. With the coronavirus prompting officials to lead an aggressive push for absentee voting, the final results of the race were not expected for days.
There were, however, a handful of contests where the results were decisive, most notably, and embarrassingly for President Donald Trump, in the western North Carolina House seat left open by the resignation of Mark Meadows, who became Trump’s chief of staff.
Meadows preferred a friend of his, real estate developer Lynda Bennett, and had Trump endorse her and even record an automated call on her behalf. But Bennett was routed in Tuesday’s runoff by a 24-year-old political newcomer, Madison Cawthorn.
In New York City, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chair of the high-profile House Judiciary Committee, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had both faced primaries. Ocasio-Cortez easily won her race, according to the AP, and Nadler led his competition by a wide margin on Tuesday evening.
In Virginia, the most hotly contested House primary illustrated the appeal in this moment of Black candidates in racially diverse districts. Cameron Webb, an African American doctor and former White House fellow, routed a handful of white opponents to capture the Democratic nomination in a conservative-leaning district where Republicans just ousted their incumbent, Rep. Denver Riggleman, in a nominating convention.
nominee 指名・任命された人、候補者
absentee balloting 不在者投票
grassroot 一般大衆、原点/根本
spring up 次々と誕生する
candidacy 立候補
Earthquake Shakes Mexico, Killing at Least Four
著者:Kirk Semple
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
MEXICO CITY — A strong earthquake shook southern Mexico on Tuesday morning, killing at least four people, causing buildings hundreds of miles away to sway and prompting residents to flee homes and workplaces to seek safety on the streets.
The earthquake’s magnitude was 7.5, according to Mexico’s national seismological service, and was centered in the Pacific Ocean, about 14 miles off the coast, south of Crucecita, a beach town in the southern state of Oaxaca that is popular with tourists.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimated the magnitude at 7.4, though is not unusual for preliminary measurements to vary.
By early afternoon Tuesday, officials said, there had been 147 aftershocks to the larger quake, and officials warned that more were expected.
But though images on social media and local news reports showed rubble from damaged buildings in Oaxaca, officials reported that the structural impact had been minimal.
“Fortunately there was no major damage,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said in a Twitter video early in the afternoon, one of a series he posted, relaying updates from David León, who is Mexico’s national coordinator of civil protection, and other officials.
López Obrador urged everyone to remain attentive to further seismic warnings and to stay calm. “I hope and I wish with all my soul that there will be no more damaging aftershocks,” he said.
In Mexico City, more than 300 miles to the northwest, buildings swayed and shuddered, but only some cosmetic damage to buildings was reported.
The mayor of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, said neither the city’s security command center nor officials conducting overflights of the municipality had reported any “serious” effects from the earthquake.
Flora Pedro Mora, the administrator of Mansiones Cruz del Mar, a condo-hotel complex near Crucecita in Oaxaca described the earthquake as “horrible.”
But she added that, apart from some roof tiles that were knocked loose and fell to the ground, the property suffered no serious damage. Though some hotels and resort properties in the area, generally referred to as Huatulco, had begun to reopen in the past week after an extended shutdown in response to the pandemic, Mansiones Cruz del Mar was still closed to guests.
seismological 地震学の
aftershock 余震、後遺症
rubble 瓦礫
attentive 注意深い/油断のない、思いやりのある
sway を揺すぶる、を動かす
shudder (建物が)揺れる、(恐れで)身震いする
IMF Predicts Deeper Global Downturn Even as Economies Reopen
著者:Alan Rappeport
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund warned Wednesday that the global economy faces an even deeper downturn than it previously projected as the coronavirus pandemic continues to sow uncertainty and businesses around the world struggle to operate amid the virus.
The forecast underscores the scale of the task that policymakers are facing as they try to dig out from what the IMF has described as the most severe economic contraction since the Great Depression. Even as countries begin reopening their economies, it is increasingly evident that the recovery will be uneven and protracted as cases continue to surge and consumers remain wary of resuming normal activity.
More than 35,000 new coronavirus cases were identified across the United States on Tuesday, according to a New York Times database, the highest single-day total since late April and the third-highest total of any day of the pandemic. Other countries are also experiencing surges in new cases, complicating plans to reopen the global economy.
In an update to its World Economic Outlook, the IMF said it expected the global economy to shrink 4.9% this year — a sharper contraction than the 3% it predicted in April.
The fund noted that, even as businesses began to reopen, voluntary social distancing and enhanced workplace safety standards were weighing on economic activity. Moreover, the “scarring” of the labor force from mass job cuts and business closures means that the world economy will recover much more slowly, with the IMF projecting 5.4% global growth in 2021, far below its pre-pandemic projections.
Overall, the IMF expects that the cumulative loss of total output for the global economy this year and next year will top $12 trillion.
The IMF forecast is more grim than global projections outlined earlier this month by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. And its U.S. forecast for 2020 is also less optimistic than what the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve have projected.
The IMF now projects that the U.S. economy will shrink 8% this year before expanding 4.5% next year.
Economies in the eurozone are projected to shrink 10.2% this year and expand 6% next year. In China, where the virus originated and which imposed draconian containment measures, the economy is expected to expand 1% this year and 8.2% in 2021.
International Monetary Fund 国際通貨基金(略:IMF)
sow 原因を作る/種をまく
underscores 強調する/(強調するために)下線を引く
(「_ 」の事もunderscoreと呼ぶ。アンダーバ
dig out 脱出(言葉遊び)
“scarring” トラウマ/心の傷
” ”に注目!「いわゆる」という意味を表していま
the eurozone ユーロ圏(ユーロを共通通貨として
draconian (きわめて)厳しい、苛酷な
New York Will Impose Quarantine on Visitors From States With Big Outbreaks
著者:J. David Goodman
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
NEW YORK — A few months ago, New York was suffering through the worst ravages of the coronavirus pandemic. Hospitals filled to near capacity. Hundreds of people died each day, reaching a peak in mid-April.
The rest of the country recoiled at the sight of a New York license plate. Florida and Rhode Island singled out New York travelers, who researchers now believe helped to seed the spread of the virus in other states.
But as New York has largely controlled its outbreak, other states — especially in the Sun Belt and the West — have seen virus cases surge, leading to a table-turning moment: Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday announced that anyone coming to New York from a state currently hard hit by the virus would have to quarantine for two weeks.
The restrictions were based on specific health metrics related to the coronavirus, Cuomo said. At the moment, travelers from eight states — as well as New Yorkers returning from those states — would have to quarantine.
“We now have to make sure that the rate continues to drop,” Cuomo said. “A lot of people come into this region and they could literally bring the infection with them. It wouldn’t be malicious or malevolent, but it would still be real.”
Failure to quarantine in New York could result in thousand-dollar fines, Cuomo said. Travelers to New Jersey and Connecticut would also be told to quarantine, though officials from both states said there was no enforcement mechanism at the moment.
The order — a “joint travel advisory” with the two other states — would take effect at midnight, Cuomo said on Wednesday. He said the quick implementation was aimed at preventing a rush of travelers trying to avoid the requirement, which currently applied to Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.
Washington state had originally been included, but after a further review of the data, it was dropped from the list.
Only a handful of states — including Maine, Rhode Island and Hawaii — have required out-of-state travelers to quarantine. A larger number have asked travelers to quarantine but do not mandate doing so. And a few, such as Florida and Kansas, apply the requirement only to those coming from certain states.
ravages 荒らされた跡/惨害
recoiled ひるむ
license plate ナンバープレート
the Sun Belt アメリカの東海岸から西海岸へ広がる、北緯36度から南にある地域のこと。
他にも the Bible Belt, the Rust Belt,などと言う、横長い地域のことを表すフレーズもある
a table-turning moment 状況は逆転した瞬間/転機
「The tables have turned」(状況は逆転しました!)からの言葉遊び
metrics 測定基準/指標