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New Terror Attacks Leave France Embattled at Home and Abroad
著者:Norimitsu Onishi and Constant Méheut
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
NICE, France — A terror attack that killed three people in Nice on Thursday left France increasingly embattled at home and abroad, as the government called for toughening measures against Islamic extremism, amid rising tensions with Muslim nations.
A knife-wielding assailant left two people dead in Nice’s towering neo-Gothic basilica, including a 60-year-old woman who was nearly decapitated, and a third victim died after taking refuge in a nearby bar.
The attack in Nice came less than two weeks after the beheading of a teacher shook the nation and led to President Emmanuel Macron suggesting that Islam was in need of an Enlightenment.
Jean-François Ricard, France’s top anti-terrorism prosecutor, said the suspected killer was a Tunisian man, born in 1999, who had entered France after arriving in Italy on Sept. 20. He said the man, who was unknown to French authorities, was arrested after lunging at police officers while yelling “Allahu akbar” and was hospitalized with serious wounds.
“Very clearly it is France that is attacked,” Macron said after traveling quickly to Nice. French authorities placed a jittery country on its highest terrorism threat level.
The killings came at a time when the government’s recent words and deeds have put it at odds with Muslims in France and abroad, including heads of state like President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. What many French people see as their country’s uncompromising defense of its safety and free expression, many Muslims consider to be scapegoating and blasphemous insults to their religion.
Just a few weeks ago, Macron called for an “Islam of enlightenment” and “an Islam that can be at peace with the republic,” in what he described as a renewed fight against radicalism and challenges to the nation’s secular ideals. Since the killing of the teacher in a suburb of Paris, his government has unfurled a wide dragnet against what it has characterized as Islamic extremism, vexing many French Muslims and stirring strong rebuke from Muslim nations.
The steps have included expelling imprisoned foreigners suspected of terrorist links, carrying out raids and rolling up a Muslim group it accuses of “advocating radical Islam” and hate speech. But few of those affected by the measures had any direct connection to the beheading of the teacher, who was killed by an 18-year-old Chechen refugee.
embattled 敵に包囲された、追い詰められた、思い悩んでいる
knife-wielding ナイフを振り回す
assailant 攻撃者、加害者
decapitate 首を切る
lunge 突く、突進する
jittery 神経質な、ビクビクした
words and deeds 言動
uncompromising 妥協しない
scapegoat ~を身代わりにする、~に罪を負わせる
blasphemous 冒とく的な
unfurl 広げる 展開する
dragnet (警察の) 捜査網
vex イライラさせる 悩ます、当惑させる
raid (警察の) 手入れ、強制捜索
Cruise Ships May Set Sail on Sunday, but Only With Crew
著者:Roni Caryn Rabin
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
Cruise ships can prepare to set sail again beginning Sunday under a conditional order issued by U.S. health officials that aims to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission at sea by requiring a host of measures, including testing and quarantine, all designed to keep crews and passengers safe.
No ship will set sail with passengers immediately, and the cruise tourism industry may not rebound anytime soon. Under new guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday, companies must be certified to sail by proving they can operate safely with crews onboard. To do so, they must carry out a simulated journey, or a number of simulated journeys, with unpaid guest volunteers or crew members playing the role of passengers.
The simulated journeys must provide regular onboard activities such as meal service and entertainment in common areas of the ship, while providing enough space for social distancing. Ships will be required to have laboratory capacity to ensure that routine testing for the coronavirus can be carried out at regular intervals, as well as when anyone embarked or disembarked from the vessel. Both crew members and passengers will wear masks in public spaces.
Symptomatic travelers on the ship will have to be isolated, and remaining passengers quarantined, and the efforts will be evaluated by the agency in order for operators to obtain certification to sail with commercial passengers.
The CDC outlined the phased approach, acknowledging in a statement: “Cruising safely and responsibly during a global pandemic is very challenging.”
The federal health agency had tried to extend until next February the no-sail order it had issued in March. But the White House blocked the order in an apparent attempt to avoid alienating the powerful tourism industry in Florida, one of the swing states that could determine the outcome of the presidential election Tuesday.
“This framework provides a pathway to resume safe and responsible sailing,” said Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC. “It will mitigate the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks on ships and prevent passengers and crew from seeding outbreaks at ports and in the communities where they live.”
Set sail 帆を揚げる、出帆する
Conditional 条件付きの
Mitigate やわらげる
Quarantine 隔離する
Certified 保証された
Simulated 模擬の
Unpaid お金を払わない
Embark 乗船
Disembark 下船
Symptomatic 徴候がある
Alienating 遠ざける
Swing state 共和党・民主党の支持が変動する州
Pathway 小道
Networks Pledge Caution for an Election Night Like No Other
著者:Michael M. Grynbaum
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
Batches of ballots that will be counted at different times, depending on the swing state. Twitter gadflies and foreign agents intent on sowing confusion. A president who has telegraphed for months that he may not accept results he deems unfavorable.
Television executives overseeing this year’s election night broadcasts are facing big challenges. And the world will be watching.
“Frankly, the well-being of the country depends on us being cautious, disciplined and unassailably correct,” said Noah Oppenheim, the NBC News president. “We are committed to getting this right.”
In interviews, the men and women in charge of network news coverage — the platform that tens of millions of Americans will turn to on Tuesday to make sense of a confusing vote count and learn the future of their country — made similar pledges.
Patience. Caution. And constant reassurance to viewers about the integrity of the results. “We have to be incredibly transparent all through the night with what we know and what we don’t know,” said George Stephanopoulos, who will anchor the proceedings for ABC News.
To accommodate the idiosyncrasies of this pandemic-era campaign, networks are planning tweaks to the way some election nights looked in the past.
Real-time results will be displayed in the context of the total expected vote, including the absentee and mail-in ballots that will account for a high proportion of it. The usual metric, “precincts reporting,” is tied to in-person votes on Election Day, which producers expect to be potentially misleading.
The “decision desks,” the teams of data experts at news organizations who project results, say they are not competing over who calls a race first. “We’re preparing the audience that this might not be over in one night,” said Susan Zirinsky, president of CBS News.
And combating misinformation — be it from online mischief-makers or falsehoods from the commander-in-chief — is a priority, particularly in educating Americans that any delays in declaring a victor stem from care, not chicanery.
“Just because a count may take longer does not mean that something is necessarily wrong,” said Sam Feist, CNN’s Washington bureau chief. “It may not even mean that it’s a close race. We have to constantly remind the viewer that patience will be needed and this may take some time in critical states, and that doesn’t mean anything is untoward.”
batch 束
swing state 激戦州(11/1 復習)
gadfly (批判したり要求したりして)うるさい人.
intent on 熱心な、没頭して (9/28 復習)
sow (噂・争いなどの)原因を作る、種をまく
deem 思う、判断する(10/27 復習)
oversee 監督する
well-being 幸福、健康
unassailably 変えがたく不変の方法で
coverage 報道、(テレビ・ラジオの)放送
turn to 人の関心または注意を向ける
make sense of …の意味を理解する
reassurance 安心させること、再保証
(10/3 復習: rest assured 安心する)
anchor (報道番組の)メインキャスター
proceedings (複)(事の)成り行き
idiosyncrasy 特殊性、特異性
tweak ひねり、微調整
absentee ballot 不在票
mail-in ballot 郵送票
precinct 特定の地域、選挙区
in-person vote 直接投票
victor 勝利者
chicanery (政治・法律上の)ごまかし
be it A or B AであれBであれ (= whether it is A or B)
untoward 不都合な、困った
Russian Provinces Hit by a Second Wave of Coronavirus
著者:Andrew E. Kramer
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
MOSCOW — One video shows bodies in plastic bags stacked in the basement of a hospital in the Siberian city of Barnaul after a morgue overflowed.
“Well, this is how it is,” said a voice on the video, one of dozens posted anonymously by desperate hospital workers amid a surge of COVID-19 cases in provincial Russian cities. “We’re overloaded.”
During the spring, the pandemic struck Moscow particularly hard while mostly sparing provincial locations. But now infections are rising in several of Russia’s far-flung regions, and hospitals and morgues are overwhelmed.
In his long tenure, President Vladimir Putin has centralized political power. But during the pandemic, he has delegated to regional authorities decisions on locking down businesses, shutting schools and taking other public health precautions.
The stated purpose was to allow local officials to tailor their responses to local circumstances, though political analysts also noted that it allowed Putin to deflect blame for unpopular shutdowns, or bad outcomes. Either way, the result has become a patchwork of rules throughout the country that are often poorly observed.
Russia has reported 1,579,446 cases, the fourth-highest number in the world, after the United States, India and Brazil. On average over the past seven days, 16,546 people have been infected daily.
Overall, Russia’s health system has been coping. Tatyana Golikova, a deputy prime minister, said 80% of the beds in COVID-19 wards were occupied nationally. But some provinces have clearly lost control of the epidemic. Five regions reported that 95% of the beds were occupied.
In testimonials and videos from Russia’s regions, some harrowing accounts are emerging.
In Novokuznetsk, a Siberian coal mining town, a morgue worker posted a video in which he appeared to walk on bodies in bags. They were so tightly packed in a corridor that there seemed no other way to get through.
“This is the hallway,” said the worker, who did not identify himself. “There are corpses all over. You can fall down walking here, you can trip over them.”
The local health department issued a statement saying the morgue had overflowed because many families of the dead had also fallen ill and were not able to retrieve the bodies for burial, and authorities were building new shelves to accommodate them.
<Pickup Vocabs 1>
province 地方、田舎
morgue 遺体安置所元々フランスのラ・モルグという遺体安置所
anonymously 匿名で
desperate 自暴自棄
[語源: desperare(希望をなくす)]
sparing 危害を加えないでおく
[語源: spare(赦す、自由にする)
far-flung 遠方の
[類語: remote(遠方の)]
tenure 在任期間
[語源: tenure(持ち続ける)]
[親戚: tenet(持ち続けている信条)]
centralized 中央集権化した
precautions 予防措置
<Pickup Vocabs 2>
tailor 合うようにする
deflect そらす
[語源: de(離れる方向に)+flect(曲げる)]
[親戚: reflect(反射する)]
coping 処理するcope with a problem 問題に対処する
wards 病棟
[語源: 守衛(が担当して守っている区画)]ward off(危険・打撃などを)かわす、防ぐ
testimonials 証言
harrowing 痛ましい
[語源: harrow(まぐわ=土をかきならす農具)]
burial 埋葬
accommodate 収容するaccommodation(宿泊施設)
Pregnant Women Face Increased Risks From COVID-19
著者:Roni Caryn Rabin
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
U.S. health officials on Monday added pregnancy to the list of conditions that put people with COVID-19 at increased risk of developing severe illness, including a heightened risk of death.
While most pregnant women infected with the coronavirus have not become severely ill, the new caution is based on a large study that looked at tens of thousands of pregnant women who had COVID-19 symptoms.
The study found they were significantly more likely to require intensive care, to be connected to a specialized heart-lung bypass machine, and to require mechanical ventilation than nonpregnant women of the same age who had COVID symptoms. Most importantly, the pregnant women faced a 70% increased risk of death, when compared to nonpregnant women who were symptomatic.
The study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the largest such study so far, examined the outcomes of 409,462 symptomatic women ages 15 to 44 who tested positive for the coronavirus, 23,434 of whom were pregnant.
“We are now saying pregnant women are at increased risk for severe illness. Previously we said they ‘might be’ at increased risk for severe illness,” said Sascha Ellington, a health scientist with the CDC, and one of the authors of the new study.
Still, Ellington emphasized that the overall risk of both complications and death was low.
“The absolute risk of these severe outcomes are low among women 15 to 44, regardless of pregnancy status, but what we do see is an increased risk associated with pregnancy,” she said.
Dr. Denise Jamieson, chair of gynecology and obstetrics at Emory University School of Medicine, said the new data underscore the importance of pregnant women taking extra precautions to avoid exposure to the virus, including avoiding social gatherings and interactions with people — even members of their own households — who may have been exposed or become infected.
An earlier study did not find a higher risk of death among pregnant COVID patients, but the pregnant patients in the new study were 1.7 times more likely to die than nonpregnant patients.
severe (病気が)深刻な、重大な
heightened 高まる、増大する
mechanical ventilation 機械式人工呼吸
examine 観察する、検査する
complications 合併症
absolute 絶対的な
regardless of 〜に関わらず
gynecology 婦人科
obstetrics 産科学
underscore 強調する
household 家族、世帯
Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ Gets a New Showrunner. Again.
著者:John Koblin
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
For the third straight year, there is a new top producer at Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show.”
Jamie Granet-Bederman, a longtime producer on the NBC late-night show, will take over as showrunner, the network announced Monday. Gavin Purcell, who had served as showrunner since late last year, will return to his development deal with Universal Television, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, the network said.
“The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” has fallen into third place among the 11:30 p.m. late-night talk shows, a once-unthinkable prospect for the NBC institution. Fallon is trailing both ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and — by a wider margin — CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” in total viewers and among adults under age 50, the category that is of vital interest to advertisers.
The timing of the move — the day before the presidential election — caught the attention of much of the television industry. Fallon, once the late-night ratings king, has seen his ratings slide since President Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017. Over the last four years, late-night viewers have clearly favored Colbert’s anti-Trump monologues over Fallon’s fun-and-games approach.
NBC officials are hopeful the election could help shake up the 11:30 p.m. landscape.
Whoever is in the White House next year, the network is sticking by its 11:30 p.m. host. Fallon, the “Tonight Show” host since 2014, told his staff Monday that he had signed a contract extension, according to three people with knowledge of the conversation who spoke on the condition of anonymity. His previous deal ran through late 2021. (NBC declined to comment.)
As “The Tonight Show” has shed viewers in recent years, Fallon has cycled through different showrunners. In October 2018, longtime NBC executive Jim Bell took charge of the show, replacing the triumvirate of Gerard Bradford, Mike DiCenzo and Katie Hockmeyer. A year later, Bell left the company and Purcell took over, though the network made it clear he would do so only on an interim basis.
With new episodes of scripted series delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic, the broadcast networks have had lower ratings this year. And over the last six weeks the late-night shows, without strong lead-ins and the cheers of studio audiences, have drawn smaller audiences.
showrunner ショーランナー、制作総指揮者
straight 連続した
subsidiary 子会社
starring 主演の
trail 遅れを取る
rating 視聴率
inauguration 就任、開始
landscape 情勢
triumvirate 三人組
interim しばらくの間、暫定の、中間の
Election Rests on Crucial Battlegrounds That Slightly Favor Biden
著者:Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns
(c) 2020 The New York Times Company
After an extraordinary night that put the country’s democracy to the test, the presidential election Wednesday rested on the results in several crucial battlegrounds that were favoring Joe Biden, who picked up Wisconsin and Michigan and was holding a slim lead in Arizona, all states President Donald Trump carried in 2016.
With votes still being counted from coast to coast, Biden was fending off Trump in the West, where late vote counts shrank the former vice president’s margin, and he was steadily building an advantage in the Great Lakes states that tipped the presidency four years ago.
In midafternoon, The Associated Press declared Biden the victor in Wisconsin, where he held a lead of less than 1%, and in Michigan. He also held a lead of 93,000 votes in Arizona, but Republicans there argued that the remaining uncounted ballots could shave down the former vice president’s advantage. Biden was leading by just 8,000 votes in Nevada, where no news organization has made a declaration.
If Biden holds off Trump in Arizona and Nevada he would have enough electoral votes to claim victory.
But as one of the most unusual presidential elections in history stretched into its second, but certainly not last, day of counting, Trump himself appeared determined to stoke an atmosphere of anxiety and political friction: After using an election-night speech to attack the integrity of the vote, the president kept up his barrage Wednesday, amplifying baseless conspiracy theories about the accumulating votes for Biden in slow-counting states.
But while Trump has called for an end to ballot counting — effectively demanding that millions of voters be disenfranchised — and threatened to go to court over the matter, his campaign did not launch any legal actions Wednesday, and it was not clear that the Trump team had an actual theory of how to turn the president’s grievances into litigation.
Around 2 a.m. Wednesday, Trump appeared at the White House to falsely insist he had won and demand the votes stop being counted. The president railed on Twitter on Wednesday morning about the votes Biden gained overnight.
“How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?” he wrote as he watched his opponent take the lead in two pivotal Midwestern states.
Biden was winning Michigan by 67,000 votes when the AP declared him the winner.
crucial 決定的な/(極めて)重大な
fend off 撃退する/追い払う
margin 票差/マージン
Great Lakes 五大湖
shave down 削る/削減する
stoke (8/11の復習) 煽る/掻立てる
disenfranchised 選挙権を奪われた/公民権を奪われた
litigation 訴訟/起訴
rail 罵る/愚痴を言う
dump (ゴミの)山/ゴミ捨て場