音声プラットフォーム「Voicy」で平日毎朝7時に更新中の英語ニュースチャンネル「Voicy News Brief with articles from New York Times」。このチャンネルでは、The New York Timesの記事をバイリンガルのパーソナリティが英語で読み上げ、記事と英単語を日本語で解説しています。英語のニュースを毎朝聴いて、リスニング力の向上と英語学習にお役立てください。
このVoicy Journalでは、毎週金曜日に1週間分のスクリプトをまとめて紹介しています。2021年の通常放送は12/28までのため、今回は2日分のスクリプトをお届けします。Voicy News Brief Season2の記事は5/31(月)以降をご覧ください!
‘Christmas Can Be Hard’ Amid Loss, Queen Elizabeth Says in Annual Message
whiplash 痛めつける、損害を与える
upend (~を) 逆さまにする、(~を) ひっくり返す
transmissible 遺伝性の、伝染性の
turbulence 動揺、混乱、波乱
hang over ~を覆う、~を脅かす、そのまま残っている
televise テレビで放送 (放映)する
commonwealth 連邦
著者:Megan Specia and Aina J. Khan
(c) 2021 The New York Times Company
In her first Christmas address to Britain since the death of her husband, Queen Elizabeth II offered a personal message Saturday as the nation is again experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases.
Since her husband, Prince Philip, died in April, Britons have been whiplashed by COVID-19. After prolonged restrictions, England reopened this summer to much rejoicing, but months later, many saw their plans upended again as the highly transmissible omicron variant of the virus took hold.
The royal family has also experienced its own turbulence. Concerns for the health of Elizabeth, 95, have hung over much of the year, especially after she canceled a series of public engagements this fall.
“Although it’s a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones,” the queen said in her televised address Saturday from Windsor Castle. “This year, especially, I understand why.”
Referring to Philip, the queen said that she had “drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work — from around the country, the commonwealth and the world.”
“But life, of course, consists of final partings as well as first meetings,” she said, “and as much as I and my family miss him, I know he would want us to enjoy Christmas.”
The royal holiday message is an annual British tradition that began in 1932 with a radio broadcast by King George V, the queen’s grandfather. The addresses tend to reflect the mood of the nation, whether at war or peace, or in a pandemic.
“While COVID again means we can’t celebrate quite as we may have wished, we can still enjoy the many happy traditions,” the queen said. “Be it the singing of carols, as long as the tune is well known; decorating the tree; giving and receiving presents; or watching a favorite film where we already know the ending.”
This week, coronavirus cases in Britain hit record highs, driven largely by the omicron variant, and brought warnings from scientists that the surge could overwhelm the country’s health service.
As COVID Disrupts a 2nd Christmas, Pope Prays for Healing and Peace
the infirm 病める者
reiterate 何度も繰り返して言う
scourge 災難、災い
hold sway 強い影響力を持つ、支配する
adjacent 隣接した
solidarity 団結、連帯
sorely 非常に、とても
(c) 2021 The New York Times Company
ROME — Pope Francis used his annual Christmas message Saturday to pray for the many whose lives have been upended by the pandemic and to urge the world’s leaders to engage in “patient dialogue” to end conflict and “encounter others and do things together” at a time when so many are forced to be apart.
In his address, Francis called on Jesus to “grant health to the infirm and inspire all men and women of goodwill to seek the best ways possible to overcome the current health crisis and its effects.” He reiterated pleas that COVID-19 vaccines be made available to all. And he asked Jesus to “comfort the victims of violence against women, which has increased in this time of pandemic,” a scourge that he recently denounced as “almost satanic.”
It was the second year that the pandemic had held sway in the pope’s Christmas message. But in a sharp contrast to last year, when he made the address from within the Apostolic Palace, surrounded by only a few because of coronavirus restrictions, this year Francis spoke from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica to thousands of faithful present in the adjacent square.
Such outdoor gatherings are prohibited in Italy, which was hit this past week by a steep surge in coronavirus cases. But Vatican City, which sets its own rules, allowed the crowd to gather Saturday for the pope’s Christmas address. Those present were required to wear masks and respect social distancing.
Throughout the address, his message — known as the “Urbi et Orbi” (Latin for “To the City and the World”) — was one of solidarity and community.
“Our capacity for social relationships is sorely tried,” the pope said. “There is a growing tendency to withdraw, to do it all by ourselves, to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together.”
This applies not only to personal relationships, he said, but also on the world stage.
“On the international level, too, there is the risk of avoiding dialogue, the risk that this complex crisis will lead to taking shortcuts rather than setting out on the longer paths of dialogue,” Francis said. “Yet only those paths can lead to the resolution of conflicts and to lasting benefits for all.”
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